By Crane Rental Timisoara SC SERVMAC SRL

SC SERVMAC SRL comes to you with practical solutions regarding the handling of construction materials on construction sites where you work, offering free advice on choosing the best solutions in the field to handle weights.

Automacaralele rented by us shows, among many other advantages, one major, that as their movement is mobile, easing the workload more maneuverability on construction sites. The cranes they rent from us easily adapting to situations encountered at work.

In Timis county rent cranes but so often we move on longer distances depending on the demands we have from firms working in construction but not only, these are often used by companies and the industry as: shipyard, petrochemical industry, Mining industry, prelucaratoare wood industry, stone processing industry, transport and others. Automacaralele are known by the general public as being used for lifting building materials:

  • Download / loading pallets of bricks and formwork.
  • Download / loaded reinforced concrete.
  • mounting chillers.
  • Mounting billboards.
  • Mounting pillars electrical networks.
  • Mounting transformers.
  • container handling.
  • Industrial assembly halls.
  • Manipulation / editing miscellaneous equipment.
  • Also ,any other type of manipulation can be performed using automacaralelor.

The lifting capacity of automacaralelor offered for rent by SERVMAC are between 18 ton and 80 Tone. Thanks to the experience in the field over 10 years, crane rental market in Romania, but also because qualified personnel in accordance with European norms in vigor, our team members who have a rich experience in handling cranes and automacaralelor, you guarantee that you will work with professionals, whatever the situation may find solutions for the problems faced in raising, moving, handling, your material movement. For these reasons, you can be sure that we treat with seriousness and responsibility that each workload following the execution time of handling be the shortest one but sure, and making sure that your costs be optimal.

Automacaralele or rent mobile cranes they have platforms that allow the rotation with a swing arm mounted on truck chassis or the chassis specially designed with dimensions being equipped with specialized equipment able both to fulfill and service lift, and the displacement of settlement of charges, complying in terms of their technical running on public roads. The crane arm is rotating with basculnat, driven by its engine, It is autopropulsata, furniture. Its equipment with its own mechanism is used both for traveling, Maximum speed is 80km / h, which we consider sufficient speed for a road safely, Considering it a machine with a particular task.

Another advantage that is the alegearea crane rental service from our company, It would be that they have a short duration installation onsite by performing mechanisms that equip. If we automacaralelor for rent, those used by us are composed of the crane chassis, leveling platform, platform for its rotating arm, counterweights depending on load, crane cabin, crane arm and handling devices.